Central Scene: Winter Band Concert

Hinsdale Central students perform winter concert


On February 21, the Hinsdale Central High School bands performed at their winter concert. With directors Grace Adduci and Matt Kurinsky, all four bands pulled off an amazing night. Hinsdale Central offers a place for everyone, consisting of four bands of varying experience levels: Concert, Symphonic, Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble. In total, over 170 students participate in the Hinsdale Central Band program.

In the following weeks after the winter concert, each band participated in a local band festival. Each of these festivals provided incredible experiences performing in different venues and receiving feedback from big names in the band education world. Concert and Symphonic Band took a trip to Elmhurst University, Wind Symphony attended Northeastern Illinois University and Wind Ensemble took part in the John Hersey Band Festival.

Each band received feedback on several songs in their repertoire and a guest director worked with them through challenging parts of the music. Visit hcmusic.org to hear a recording of the concert as well as information regarding upcoming performances. ■

