Trolley Tales: Get to know Elmhurst Trolley Driver Krystal Loggins

By Anna Hughes Photos courtesy of Explore Elmhurst

The beloved Elmhurst Trolley is back up and running through the summer until September 14. On Fridays and Saturdays from noon to midnight, residents and visitors can hop on the trolley for a relaxing ride around the city. The trolleys are a fun, summery service in collaboration with Aries Charter Transportation, who proudly share their expert drivers with the community. Elmhurst Magazine spoke with one fan-favorite trolley driver who tells us about the experience, her perspective, and what makes driving the Elmhurst community so special.

Elmhurst Magazine: How long have you been working on the Elmhurst trolleys? How did you get started?

Krystal Loggins

Krystal Loggins: I started with [Aries Charter] two years ago in June and they introduced me to trolleys and asked me if I would like to learn and drive one. So, I said yes. And Elmhurst was the first location where I drove the trolleys for the weekend. I sort of fell in love with the routine and the meeting of the people in the community – the kids and the elderly – and throughout the day saw how different that momentum became when everybody came outside.

EM: About how many people ride the trolleys during each of your shifts? How many people are on the trolley at one time?

KL: It’s about 30. Sometimes it can be a little more than that because at nighttime they pack on. And throughout my shift, I see over 100 people.

EM: The trolley can officially fit 34 plus standing room.

EM: Tell us a bit about the stops on the trolley! How long is each ride? What’s it like?

KL: Six stops. I stay until I don’t see anyone running for the trolley, you know because I normally sit there about maybe a max of five minutes to make sure that I don’t leave anybody behind rushing to get out of restaurants and shopping to get on the trolley. Because the majority, when they come to the trolley, everyone is excited to see the trolley. So they just sit there, and they go around the town, and they look at the landmarks around them. Normally, they already know the landmarks, but they just like to sit there and have a relaxed drive. The drive is not too fast, not too slow. It’s very paced out so the kids and adults can enjoy.

EM: Do you have any regulars or familiar faces?

KL: Yes, yes, quite a few.

EM: What’s it like to see them?

KL: It makes me excited to be able to come to work, so I’m never going to turn down doing a trolley for Elmhurst. And it makes them comfortable too as well.

EM: Why do you think these trolley tours are unique?

KL: It’s something for the community and for those elderly that cannot get around in cars or bikes. This is the opportunity for them to hop on the trolley and get around the neighborhood and go dine and shop, or just relax and drive around the area to get out the house.

EM: How is it meeting so many new people every trip?

KL: They’re very friendly. That, I love: the people. Last year on my birthday, a lot of the neighbors, they remembered my birthday. They sung “Happy Birthday” to me. Some even gave me gifts as well. So, it’s most definitely love in the area.

EM: Who is talking throughout the tour?

KL: We have audio that plays and tells you about the things that goes on in Elmhurst, such as the shopping and the festivities that goes on throughout the summer as well. It also tells you about the dining areas, and it plays some cool jazz music, too. That’s from the Elmhurst choir.

EM: What have you learned about Elmhurst and the Elmhurst community by doing these tours?

KL: It’s a real community. Everyone helps out everyone. Everyone looks out for everyone. I learned that it’s a safe place for the neighborhood and everybody who comes together.

For more information about the trolley or to see the schedule, visit ■

This interview has been slightly modified for print.

Trolley riders line up for a relaxing drive through the city on a summer night.
